A Brief Detour to the Gulf of Mexico…

In my last post I mentioned a dolphin encounter that turned out to be one of the seeds of Whale Whispering, and since then a few people have expressed their eagerness to hear the story, so here’s the follow-up. When I began to think about writing it down, it occurred to me that it would be much more interesting to add a little variety to the format and record a conversation between me and the person who was actually the impetus behind that fateful journey out into the Gulf of Mexico long before Whale Whispering became even a concrete idea, my dear friend and brilliant artist, Torkwase Dyson. Her work, as we discuss, has many parallels to this project (learn more here: https://www.torkwasedyson.com), and I wanted to get her perspective on how things went that day since it’s been years and as much as we marveled about it afterwards, we never sat down to share our memories of it with each other in any detail. Feel free to witness our session full of giggles (with a few tears folded in) as we recount the magic and its transformative, uplifting, inspirational impact below. I’ve broken the talk into three separate videos because I have rudimentary editing equipment and skills, and though I’m usually diligent about keeping all my content child-friendly, be aware that there are exactly two expletives that made the final cut.

I’m at work on the next blog post, which will detail what I was and was not able to accomplish of the items on my projected checklist for the last stay in Brazil, and include, as promised, music. I have so very much more to share!


An Open Letter Supporting the Protection of the Waters and the Water Protectors from Enbridge’s Line 3 Pipeline


Over My Head