Jam Session, Part 2
Photo by Marcos Rossi Santos
Take a leap of grace. Right now, today. That’s the Whale Whispering memo as I type this after rising at the edge of dawn to a luminescence so insistent that it pulled me out of sleep well before the sun showed its face. I opened my eyes to the shaft cascading through my window to splash onto the wall above my bed like a beam from some heavenly projector, and images of leaping whales filled the screen that the moon had made of my dream sanctuary, though I was most definitely awake. But not even the whales could hold my attention as the moon invited my gaze to follow the ray to its source, drawing me in like the most enticing of lovers--and there she was, holding court over earth and sky with a rose gold glimmer that made me gasp at the extent of my privilege, to be able to behold such a revelation. Almost at eye level, the last of her fullness was on display as the horizon strove to encounter that sublimity and be transfigured by it, just as I had. I saw that the source of the light was the Source of the Light and the Voice of the Light said with a sound like the songs of the whales, Take a leap of grace.
Let it go. Show up for this moment with a choice to open your heart completely; flip the switch and be nourished and enthralled by the flood of generosity that courses through and returns to you as a result of surrendering the familiarity and imagined security of withholding. Leap, not just with faith, but with the grace that comes from the certainty that all are worthy of beauty, as all are born into it, under this same moon, inside this same endlessly dazzling fractal situation that is the unfolding universe. Extend grace, and include yourself within its scope. Look at how the whales disrupt the logic of gravity when, in defiance of all that weight, they soar. Remember how they leapt and leapt and leapt in response to your singing that day and so many days, showing you their appreciation, their delight. Think of how they swim up next to the boat and you know, you know, everyone present knows that there are no words for this, the sensation that comes with mingling auras with such magnificence, but if there is one that could come close, it’s this: grace.
Forgive. Release. Trust. There is nothing between this Power and you. This power is you, and you are it. Create the world you want through your living, through your shining, which does not depend on anything outside of you. Shine fully, generously, like the moon. Do not hold back. Love with that rose gold love, that knows its own immeasurable value as it emanates from the heart center, bathing everything that has the blessing of finding itself in its wake. And enjoy yourself. Think of how the whales and dolphins jump for joy, even as they groan and chatter about the melting icebergs. Take a leap of grace, today.
I was going to get up and write something else altogether for this blog post, which I’d promised myself I would get done by this evening. I started it nearly two months ago, detailing the second half of the day I wrote about in Jam Session, Part 1, which was all about leaping whales, but got stunned into an extended rumination once again when I realized that I was using echolocation to find the songs my ancestors left in the sea. Once I got my head around that (a little bit, two months later), I decided to pick it back up, because it was such a miraculous day. The moon had other plans, though. I guess there will have to be a Jam Session, Part 3. <3